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blowing in the wind

美 [ˈbloʊɪŋ ɪn ðə wɪnd]英 [ˈbləʊɪŋ ɪn ðə wɪnd]
  • 网络答案在风中飘;随风飘荡;迪伦;鲍勃迪伦;随风而逝
blowing in the windblowing in the wind
  1. The answer is blowing in the wind .


  2. The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind .


  3. Have you ever seen a windsock blowing in the wind ?


  4. The Chinese flag was blowing in the wind .


  5. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind


  6. The answer is blowing in the wind !


  7. A disciple looked at some branches blowing in the wind .


  8. Some of these plans will prove little more than red dust blowing in the wind .


  9. The answer is blowing in the wind


  10. You could just call me a tumbleweed blowing in the wind .


  11. So Mr Brown 's bipartisan figleaf is blowing in the wind .


  12. A study in the journal Science suggests that for bdelloid rotifers , the answer is blowing in the wind .


  13. He finally found HIM , calmly watching the scene , his face glowing in the reflection , his white hair blowing in the wind .


  14. For example , when tree leaves are blowing in the wind , the leaves may appear to artificially shimmer at the edges of the leaves .


  15. Industry experts predict that if this pace of growth continues , by2050 the answer to one third of the world 's electricity needs will be found blowing in the wind .


  16. For example , a web page advertising a scenic destination could use a video texture of a beach with palm trees blowing in the wind rather than a static photograph .


  17. While he stood on a coral rock with his grey hair blowing in the wind , we heard the single word " farewell " borne faintly over the sea .


  18. She ran off down the hill , but Laurie came after her and reached the bottom first.She came up behind him , her face red and her hair blowing in the wind .


  19. I was sitting in the rear of your bicycle , holding a bunch of delicate and flame-like roses to my bosom , and hair was blowing in the wind .


  20. How can we expect a robot to deal with all the eventualities humans encounter on the road - whether unpredictable pedestrians , rogue traffic cones , or even dead plants blowing in the wind ?


  21. Water in a stream , fish in travel , love you no reason ; Blowing in the Wind , rain the next , you want to have some affinity ; Days affection , and love , the National Romantic Will it work ?


  22. Until I saw her in her wedding dress I still had a vision of her with chubby little cheeks and long , dark-brown pigtails blowing in the wind , perhaps even a permanent smudge of chocolate around her pink lips .


  23. It 's dirty from all the dust and sand blowing around in the wind .


  24. In tight faded jeans , sandals , and a white T-shirt , her hair blowing in the morning wind as she leaned against a fence post .


  25. Over-farming and drought led to400,000 square kilometers of prime top soil blowing away in the wind in the1930s , exacerbating , and exacerbated by , the Great Depression .


  26. The canals heave with party boats whizzing around with orange balloons blowing off them in the wind .


  27. The results show that the tangent acceleration at the corner point is less than that in the wind blowing direction or in the across wind direction .
